Healthy Schools in Orange County, CA: Achieving Well-Being for All

Orange County, CA is renowned for its good health and prosperity, yet there is still a wide gap between household income and the cost of living, which has a negative impact on the health of those living in economically disadvantaged areas. To tackle this issue, the county has implemented a number of initiatives to promote a healthy lifestyle for all. The Healthy Schools program is an evidence-based effort that works with parents, school districts, agencies, and community organizations to empower students and families to make healthy choices. Nutrition Services provides information about healthy eating and physical activity through the WIC and CalFresh Healthy Living programs.

Other services include detention center inspections and nutritional consultations. The Colorado Food Bank provides donated food, USDA essentials, and food purchased from Orange County nonprofit agencies that serve low-income families and individuals. Catholic Charities of Orange County also works to serve people in need, strengthen family and community, support parish ministries, and extend God's love to all. In addition to these programs, NAMI Orange County has specific programs and events for 26% of teens and young adults (TAY).

Developed in partnership with AdvanceOC, the OC Equity Map is a data platform that highlights social and health disparities in neighborhoods in Orange County across multiple dimensions. The Orange County Housing Authority (OCHA) is a division of Orange County Community Services that administers federally funded programs to provide monthly rental assistance to tenants who qualify for privately owned rental housing. These initiatives are helping to make Orange County a safe, healthy, and satisfying place to live, work and play, today and for generations to come. By providing outstanding and cost-effective regional public services, the county is working hard to ensure that everyone has access to the resources they need to lead a healthy lifestyle.

Karina Diepenbrock
Karina Diepenbrock

Proud pop culture fan. Proud travel maven. Lifelong analyst. Incurable travel scholar. Incurable social media evangelist.